Senior Pictures...Capturing the Moment

April 19, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Marist School Senior Portraits

Senior Portraits at Murphey Candler Park

Senior portraits are some of my favorite photos to shoot because high school graduation is a huge milestone. I love meeting these impressive young people, hearing about their plans for the future and capturing this time in their life and helping them express their unique personality, talents, and achievements.   It's the end of this phase of their life, the beginning to the rest of their life, new experiences, new chances, cherished old friends and soon to be new friends... thinking about their future...where they want to go. Such a exciting time and I get to capture a small, tiny part of it.  What an honor...

Ready to Book your Senior Portrait? 

Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits
Senior portraits on an overcast winter day ...  it was awesome!  The sky was dusty and gray and we wandered around the park for a mini senior portrait session and captured some great shots with great sky!  My favorite photograph is this iconic bridge at the park.... So cool!  Allie is such a beautiful girl... she is an ammmmaaaazing soccer play, a soon to be Marist School Gradaute and she has a scholarship to The University of Alabama for soccer.  WOW!  Impressive.  All this and she is super sweet and super nice.  

Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits

Ready to capture your Senior in this great phase?  We can talk about your senior and what images you want to create! 

Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits
Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits
Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits

Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits
Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits Outdoor Photos at Murphey Candler Park for Graduating Marist School Senior GirlSenior Portraits MaristCaptured at Brookhaven on 26 Mar, 2019 by Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography, Newborn Portraits


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